Labiaplasty for Symptomatic Grade III-BCD1 Labia Minora

Case Report

Austin J Obstet Gynecol. 2022; 9(2): 1205.

Labiaplasty for Symptomatic Grade III-BCD1 Labia Minora

Ng KWR*, Mashod IA and Huang Z

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, National University Hospital, Singapore; National University Singapore

*Corresponding author: Ng KWR, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecoloy, National University Hospital Singapore; National University Singapore, 1E Kent Ridge Road, NUHS Tower Block, Level 12, Singapore

Received: September 12, 2022; Accepted: October 06, 2022; Published: October 13, 2022


A 16-year-old girl presented with symptomatic symmetrically enlarged butterfly-shaped Grade III (4.1–6 cm, measured from the hymen to the distal edge (cranial/caudal)-BCD [1] (‘B’ – Cosmetic bother, ‘C’ –Clitoral hood involvement, ‘D’ –Dyspareunia due to labia minora or Discomfort with physical activity) labia minora of 4 years duration. She was a virgointacta, hence ‘D’ was Discomfort from physical activity. She had an uncomplicated surgical reduction direct excision labiaplasty1 10 years ago. At her six week review, her labiaminora had completely healed with very satisfactory results.

Keywords: Non-laser; Functional¹; Cosmetic¹; Labiaplasty¹; Stage III labiaminora¹

Case Presentation

This 16-year-old school girl presented to the obstetrics and gynaecology clinic of a tertiary university hospital with her mother 10 years ago for bilateral symmetrically enlarged labiaminora of 4 years duration. She was a virgointacta. Her enlarged labiaminora had affected her daily life, including wearing of underwear, when walking and especially during physical activity. She avoided wearing shorts because of discomfort and swimming for embarrassment of revealing her enlarged labia.

She attained menarche at 12 years of age. Her menses were regular: 7 days flow every 30 days, not heavy with no dysmenorrhoea nor inter-menstrual bleeding. She had no past medical or surgical history of note, apart from childhood bronchial asthma, eczema and Amoxicillin allergy.

She was first referred to us by our Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department when she was 12 years of age for unexplained pain, swelling and oedema of her labia minora, 2 days after her A&E presentation. This resolved with oral Serratiopeptidase and antihistamine. She was subsequently reviewed regularly by our paediatric gynaecologists for her consistently similar sized enlarged labia minorafor the next four years.

When she saw us again with her mother at 16 years of age, physical examination revealed: Height 1.59m., Weight 69.8kg and BMI 27.6 kg/m2. Examination of her heart, lungs and abdomen were normal. Breast and external genitalia examination revealed Tanner stage 5 and 4 (sparse pubic hair – Figure 1-4) respectively [2,3]. There was no clitoramegaly with enlarged clitoral hood (Figure 2). Both labiaminora were symmetrically enlarged, width measuring 6 cm, 5.5 cm caudally and length 3 cm [supero-inferiorly] on the lateral [outer] side (Figure 1), protruding far beyond her normal labia major a (Figure 1 and 2). Her hymen was intact and her posterior commissure was raised by 10 mm on parting the vagina (Figure 2 and 3 left). Hence a speculum and vaginal examination were not performed.