Enormous Pyosaplinx after Spontaneous Delivery

Case Report

Austin Gynecol Case Rep. 2022; 7(2): 1032.

Enormous Pyosaplinx after Spontaneous Delivery

Antovska V1, Sozovska Belchovska E1, Vangelov A1, Antovich S2 and Dabeski D1

¹University Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics, Medical Faculty, St. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia

²University Clinic for Abdominal Surgery, Medical Faculty, St. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia

*Corresponding author: Dr. Eva Sozovska Belchovska, University Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics, Medical Faculty, St. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia

Received: September 05, 2022; Accepted: October 10, 2022; Published: October 17, 2022


Enormous pyosalpinx after a spontaneous childbirth is very rare event. Illness and progressive fever accompanied by abdominal or pelvic masses, vaginal purulent discharge, pain and pelvic discomfort, days to weeks after spontaneous delivery should add a suspicion for this condition. Ultrasound examination is the principle tool that can visualize enlarged tube.

In this article, we report a 38 year old woman with a post-partum enormous pyosalpinx in which the microbial agent was not identified. Progressively severe symptoms, such as vaginal discharge, abdominal and pelvic pain, malaise and high fever started 5 days postpartum.

An exploratory laparotomy showed left enormous pyosalpinx and massive adhesions with bowel and omentum. An excision of tubal ampoulae and omentum, as well as extensive lavage and drainage were made. Postoperative course was normal and the patient was dismissed in good condition.

Keywords: Pyosalpinx; Postpartal period; Puerperium


Hgb: Hemoglobin; RBC: Red Blood Cells; WBC: White Blood Cells; Plt: Platelets; Hct: Hematocrit; Ne: Neutophils; Lymph: Lymphocites; Mono: Monocites; Gly: Glycose; Tot.Bil: Total Bilirubin; Dir/Ind Bol: Direct/Indirect Bilirubin; ALT: Alanine Aminotransferase; AST: Aspartate Aminotransferase; GGT: Gama Glutamil Tranferase; Alk: Phosp-Alkaline Phosphatase; S-A-amil: Serum Alpha Amylase; LDH: Lactate Dehydrogenase; CK: Creatin Kinase; K+: Potassium; Na++: Sodium; Fe: Iron; Alb: Albumins; Glob: Globulins; Tot.Prot: Total Proteins; CRP: C-Reactive Protein; PH: Power of Hydrogen; BE: Basal Excess; PT: Prothrombin Time; TT: Thrombine Time; aPTT: Activated Partial Thromboplastine Time; UA: Uric Acid; u (prefix): Urine


Enormous pyosalpinx after vaginal spontaneous childbirth is very rare event. Illness and progressive fewer accompanied by abdominal or pelvic masses, vaginal purulent discharge, pain and pelvic discomfort, days to weeks after spontaneous delivery should add a suspicion for this condition. It is difficult to be sure whether the appendix or salpinx is inflamed. Ultrasound examination is the principle tool that could visualize an enlarged tube [1].

When PID follows pregnancy or an abortion, it is usually caused by a mixture of microorganisms, including anaerobes [2].

Case Presentation

In this article, we report a 38-year-old woman with postpartal enormous pyosalpinx in which no microbial agent was identified.

A 38-year-old woman was admitted to the University Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic due to high fever, seven days after fourth vaginal delivery. She experienced a persistent fever (37.8-38.5°C) and liquid stools that were treated with probiotics, as well as left sided chest pain and dry cough. Her symptoms have deteriorated over time. Progressively severe symptoms started 5 days after delivery, at first with diarrhea and afterward with pleuropneumonia.

Her partner was healthy and also denied any history of sexually transmitted infections. At first, she has been admitted to the University Clinic for Invective diseases in Skopje, but after two days she was transferred to the University Clinic for gynecology and obstetrics.

On admission, the patient presented severely ill, with abdominal and pelvic pain, malaise and high fever (38.6°C), warm and pale skin with preserved hydration and elasticity, no efflorescence’s of infective genesis, firm right breast with warm and hyperemic skin, no palpable lymph nodes, dry lips, coated tongue, tonsils without patches, with normal pulse rhythm, eupnoic, followed by weakened medio-basal breathing. The palpation of the abdominal wall showed a suprapubic mass and tenderness in both iliac fossae. A pelvic examination revealed bulging cul-de-sac, and a tender pelvic mass. Chest X-ray showed consolidation of the left retrocardial parenchyma. There was a common side pleural effusion leading to diagnose of Pleuropneumonia.

The abdominal ultrasound and CT represented bigger amount of fluid in the left pleuro-costal sinus. The liver was normal in shape and size without any focal defects. There was a turbidity of the peripancreatic and mesenteric adipose tissue, more distally, near Culde- sac. The gallbladder, kidneys, adrenal glands and the bladder presented with normal shape, anatomy and function. The transvaginal ultrasound showed enlarged uterus with APD - 75mm, retroflected, with small residual mass in the cavity with diameter 9 mm. Next to uterus there was well delineated sausage-like formation partly solid, partly cystic, with dimensions 99x65 mm. There was small amount of free fluid in cul-de-sac.

The tumor marker Ca-125 showed slightly elevated levels of 77.2 UI/ml. The scoring system ROMI [3] showed low risk for ovarian carcinoma, e.g. ROMI =11 points: tumor size ≥6cm (1 point), cystic, with < ¼ solid parts (1 point), Opalescent intra-cystic fluid (2 points), septum ≥ 3 mm (1 point), vegetation of 3–5 mm (1 point), thickness of the capsule >5mm (2 points), serum levels of CA-125 in range of 35 – 129 U/ml (3 points). Doppler examination showed Resitence Index (RI) of 0,67, e.g. with low risk of the malignant nature of the tumor. The suspicion for benign pathology and big pyosalpinx was made. In the (Table 1) we represent the laboratory analysis.