Online First (Volume 11 Issue 1)

Research Article

Systematic Research and Case Report: 60-Year-Old Caucasian Male with Mycotic Aneurysm in the Right Middle Cerebral Artery Stemming from Infective Endocarditis

Authors: Koka Gogichashvili; Mirza Khinikadze; Swapnil Ahuja*; Mariam Natsvlishvili; Maha Prathiksha Arul Essakkiraj; Tinatin Chkhartishvili; Rufiyat Mohsin Patel; Aditi Pandey; Harshal Praveen Singh


Research Article

Navigating Epilepsy Care: Assessing Therapeutic Approaches among Health Professionals in Eastern Mediterranean Countries

Authors: Aljandeel GB*; Kissani N; Alnimer M; Triki C; Mesraoua B; Benlamkadam S; Kishk NA; Kamil M; Ibrahi EAA; Raoof H; Elsahli R; Kamoun F; Alarabi A; Harharah AH; and Ragab AH


Published Manuscripts

Impact Factor: 2.8


 About the Journal  

Austin Journal of Clinical Neurology is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles in all areas of neurology, neurophysiology and stroke.

The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for neurologists, researchers, physicians, and other health professionals to find most recent advances in the areas of clinical and experimental

Featured Article

A Case of Recurrent Sleep Paralysis: Beyond Narcolepsy

Abstract Isolated episodes of sleep paralysis can occur in healthy people at least once in their lifetime; however recurrent isolated sleep paralysis (RISP) events are less common and often worrisome

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