Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) - A Review

Review Article

Austin J Anal Pharm Chem. 2015; 2(6): 1056.

Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) - A Review

Taleuzzaman M*, Ali S, Gilani SJ, Imam SS and Hafeez A

Glocal School of Pharmacy,Glocal University, Saharanpur, 247121, U.P, India

*Corresponding author: Mohamad Taleuzzaman, Glocal School of Pharmacy, Glocal University, Saharanpur, India.

Received: December 13, 2015; Accepted: December 29, 2015; Published: December 31, 2015


UPLC is a modern technique which gives a new direction for liquid chromatography. UPLC refers to ultra performance liquid chromatography, which enhance mainly in three areas: “speed, resolution and sensitivity. Ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) applicable for particle less than 2μm in diameter to acquire better resolution, speed, and sensitivity compared with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In twenty first centenary pharmaceutical industries are focusing for new ways to in economy and shorten time for development of drugs. UPLC analysis at the mean time gives the better quality of their products and analytical laboratories are not exception in this trend. The separation and quantification in UPLC is done under very high pressure (up to 100M Pa). As compare to HPLC, under high pressure it is observed that not any negative influence on analytical column and also other components like time and solvent consumption is less in UPLC.

Keywords: Ultra performance liquid chromatography; High separation efficiency; Cost effective; High pressure


High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has proven to one of the most and predominant technology used in analytical laboratories for the analysis of drugs worldwide during the past 30- plus years [1,2]. One of the basic concerns for the growth of this technique is the packing material which effects the separations. In this separation mechanism the principal apply is Van Deemeter equation, with which any student of chromatography is intimately familiar.

H=A+B/v +Cv

The above equation is an empirical formula that describes the relationship between linear velocity (flow rate) and plate height (HETP, or column efficiency). And, since particle size is one of the variables, a Van Deemter curve can be used to investigate chromatographic performance. Where A, B and C are constants and v is the linear velocity, the carrier gas flow rate.

A= Eddy mixing

B =Axial diffusion

C=Solute’s mass transfer

The A term is independent of velocity and represents “eddy” mixing. It is smallest when the packed column particles are small and uniform. The B term represents axial diffusion or the natural diffusion tendency of molecules. This effect is diminished at high flow rates and so this term is divided by v. The C term is due to kinetic resistance to equilibrium in the separation process. The kinetic resistance is the time lag involved in moving from the gas phase to the packing stationary phase and back again. The greater the flow of gas, the more a molecule on the packing tends to lag behind molecules in the mobile phase. Thus this term is proportional to v [3-5].

Comparison between UPLC and HPLC

Principles are the same but not the performance

The principles of UPLC are same principle as HPLC, the basic difference is in designer of the column material particle size which less than 2-μm. Which make a big deference in performance and to maximize the advantages of these columns, creating a powerful, robust and reliable solution? The familiar design of UPLC H-class’s Quaternary Solvent Manager (QSM) and Sample Manager (SMFTN), with flow-through needle design, gives all the flexibility and usability of your current HPLC while still achieving the highly efficient separations that only UPLC can provide [6-9] (Table 1).

To improve the UPLC efficiency following measures need to be performed